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Project Management

At times, projects seem to have a life of their own. At SingTone Technologies, we have the skill set to help you manage your projects and develop applications that will help you organize customer, patient, project, or classroom notes; and, make sense of your data so you can see costs, sales, and performance trends. Program management is all about communication, and our methods can be tailored to help meet your goals as we plan, collaborate, and deliver projects on time and on budget. We use the following techniques:

Waterfall Project Management Technique

  • A sequential design process
  • Promotes a predictive mindset
  • Focuses on analyzing and planning the future in detail and cater to known risks.

Agile Project Management Technique

  • Iterative by nature to allow consistent improvements in project quality
  • Promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, continuous improvement, and encourages rapid and flexible response to change
  • Breaking down project goals and milestones into smaller, short-duration tasks
  • Utilizing smaller projects to allow stakeholder feedback to occur very quickly
  • Adaptive, iterative project life-cycles based on stakeholder feedback
  • Managing ongoing communications with all project stakeholders.

Hybrid Project Management Technique

There are times when traditional techniques do not seem to be the best solution – SingTone Technologies will work with you to ensure your projects are successful by creating a tailored approach that is ideal for you.